I’ve been trying to work through my list. As is typical, progress is stymied by unexpected complications and I add new items nearly as quickly as I cross off old ones. The priority is the roof and wall penetrations, so they can do the roof and siding before the weather changes. I have most of those done now, with Dean’s help to cut holes for the bath exhaust fans and the kitchen range hood. I had cut a hole for that a couple years back, but I changed my mind about where to put it. Still to do are the exterior electrical boxes, which requires the electrician, and prepping the area where the air conditioner condenser mounting goes, which should require the HVAC tech, but he’s busy, so I may wind up doing that.
The architect got the last form in for permit, so hopefully that process will now proceed smoothly. I have the concrete contractor lined up to put in the porch footings but I’m not certain when. We had an inspection from the bank appraiser to view the lack of work to date in order to release some initial funds to the contractors. We wound up having to float some of the money for the down payment because the bank will only front for certain categories and HVAC isn’t one of them.

The powder room on the first floor needed a lowered ceiling to allow for some pipes above, so I got that built. I cut the hole and framed in where the solar tube is going to go through the second floor. I put in all the missing nailing edges for drywall, got the washer drain box ready to go, but I still have some gluing to do for the plumbing. I got the metal plates in that protect the plumbing in as well as the straps to secure pipes in the walls. The radiant contractor is coming out today to lay out where everything is going to go.

All in all, there’s been some decent progress, but not much that’s noticeable and visible. I got word that they’re struggling to find the shingles we picked out. If they can’t find them we’ll need to either switch to a different shingle or a different color. Antique Silver doesn’t look as nice as Estate Gray, so I’m hoping they can track it down.
January 6, 2025 at 11:22 am
It sounds like you’re making great progress despite the challenges! It’s impressive how you’re tackling the tasks and coordinating with various contractors. I hope they find the shingles you want, as the Estate Gray color sounds like a perfect choice. Best of luck as the project moves forward—thanks for sharing your journey!