I mentioned in the last post that Dean and I ran some conduit for networking. I had decided early on that even though I’m a computer guy, we use tech everywhere, and I genuinely prefer a wired connection, there wasn’t much point in running a whole patch panel home run network install. It uses a ton of wiring, it takes up more space in the basement somewhere, and everything has to go down to the basement just to come back to where it’s going.

Instead, I wanted point to point conduit. Essentially, this means that if I need to I can connect any two rooms in the house with a cable, presumably ethernet, but anything else that the future brings that isn’t wireless like coax, fiber or even HDMI. Because this wasn’t a conventional networking setup, I didn’t have the electrician do this. With the suddenly spray foam situation we had last Thursday evening, this plan was paired down to a minimum, but since we learned they were only going to spray the first floor on that Friday, it meant that I had the rest of the weekend to put in more conduit.
I picked up ten sticks of 3/4″ EMT because there was a bulk discount, assuming I wouldn’t need all of it, but I managed to go through it, in addition to the handful that were already lying about. It’s big enough that I can run several cables in the same tube. Dean and I had run conduit in the living room to connect a TV to the basement as well as support a hidden wire wall mount. We also ran a second line from the basement to the office area in the back of the first floor and then all the way up to the attic behind the knee wall.
I ran a line from Derek’s bedroom up and over the attic bedroom and down to a junction box in the crawl space behind the knee wall on the other side of the house. From that junction it drops to a connection in Emily’s room as well as a box in that guest room.
On the other end of the house, we added a drop in our bedroom that goes up to a box in the back attic bedroom above, then jogs over to a second box in that room on the other side. I decided this made more sense than putting a junction in the knee wall crawl space, because it’s much harder to access in this part of the house. This same box also connects to the line that Dean and I ran up from the office. I started running a second line down to the other side of our bedroom, in the event we (or more likely future owners) have a non-wireless TV on the wall opposite the bed.
The spray foam installation wrapped up late Tuesday, and after I picked up some more EMT, I got the junctions on either end of the house connected together and connected the last few parts of this system. For all I know, I’ll never use this, but it’s good to have it in the event I need it. The electricians got a couple remaining items checked off the list, and the plumbers finished up the rough-in for the tubs in our bathroom and the main second floor bathroom.